Safety Day Message on world fire safety

The Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) day on April,28 is observed as a world occupational safety and health day. On this big day; the Safety Day message for all of us is “Everyone has the right to return home from work safe and sound”. unfortunately, this is not the case for nearly 3 million workers, who die each year due to occupational accidents and diseases, nor for the hundreds of millions more who fall sick or are injured at the workplace. ILO standards on occupational safety and health foster safe and healthy working environments to prevent such human tragedies.
What is ILO?
The ILO meaning is International Labor Organization. This organization is operating under the umbrella of the United Nations with a mandate to provide social and economic Justice. The organization does this by setting international standards for labor. This organization is working since 1919 when even worker was not able to enjoy/her basic rights. But now the workers are not even enjoying their fundamental rights but many more- rights, are on their table. They start work by reading Safety Day Message in all national and international organizations which have a safety culture.
Social dialogue
This year World’s Day for Safety and Health at Work highlights the importance of social dialogue in promoting a positive occupational safety and health culture. Social dialogues refer to the active participation of representatives of workers, employers, governments, and other key actors in all phases of occupational safety and health decision-making. Workplaces with higher worker engagement have reported 64% fewer safety incidents and 58% fewer hospitalizations as they start the day with a Safety Day Message.
How can we improve?
Firstly, Occupational Health and Safety are now the backbones of any organization. therefore, organizations pay special attention to this component. Secondly, many organizations are not implementing a health and safety culture in their workplace. Thirdly, most organizations still overlooked the Environment while ensuring their occupational health and safety culture.
Finally, we as human beings should consider all the possible hazards to save our motherland-Earth. Let’s act together to build a positive safety and health culture. And above all, Happy health and safety day to all safety professionals.

Hi, I am John Smit a Captain in Fire Department City of Newyork with over years of experience in the field of Firefighting and HSE. My passion for fire safety started when I was a young boy and witnessed a neighbor’s house go up in flames along with precious lives. Since then, I had dedicated my life to ensuring the safety of buildings, properties, and individuals in case of a fire and medical emergencies.