Volunteer Firefighter & First Responder Insurance

Being a volunteer firefighter takes a special kind of person. You’re willing to leave the comfort and safety of your home at a moment’s notice and risk your own life to help others. But even as heroic as this calling is, there are still risks you face. Including being held personally liable for losses associated with your volunteer work.
Being a volunteer firefighter takes a special kind of person.
Being a volunteer firefighter takes a special kind of person. You have a desire to help others and will do whatever it takes to help them. You are willing to risk your own life at any time, even if it means running into burning buildings or jumping in front of cars on busy streets.
Being a volunteer firefighter also means leaving behind the comfort and safety of your home at a moment’s notice. And sometimes even taking time off from work because you know what is right for others’ families!
Leave the comfort and safety of your home
You’re willing to leave the comfort and safety of your home at a moment’s notice and risk your own life to help others. Volunteer firefighters are heroes, who do it for the love of their job, community, and family.
But even as heroic as this calling is, there are still risks you face – including being held personally liable for losses associated with your volunteer work. Volunteer firefighters and first responders are not covered by their employer’s insurance plan and can face a high risk of liability claims when they respond to emergencies or fires.
Volunteer firefighters usually carry their own personal property insurance to protect themselves against such claims. However, there are some situations where this coverage may not be sufficient. If you have an accident while on duty or if someone is injured because of something that happened while on duty, then it could be time for coverage under the Firefighter’s Benefit Package Program (FBP).
So how can you protect yourself?
Volunteer firefighter insurance is one-way volunteers reduce their personal financial exposure for damage or bodily injury claims associated with their volunteer service.
Volunteer firefighters often have high-risk jobs. So it’s important that you find the right plan for you. Here are some things to think about when looking for a volunteer firefighter insurance plan:
- What type of coverage do I need?
Volunteer firefighters may have different needs than other types of first responders (for example, police officers and paramedics). Some volunteers may be covered under different policies than other volunteers in their department.
- How much does this cost me?
The cost of your policy will depend on several factors including what type of incident occurs, and who pays for medical costs when they’re incurred by someone else. Because they were injured while volunteering as a first responder in your community fire department/volunteer organization, etc.
Volunteer firefighters are heroes but. . . .
It’s important to know what your insurance will cover when you’re called out on duty. Volunteer firefighter insurance is designed to provide coverage for volunteers who work as firefighters or emergency medical technicians (EMTs).
What does volunteer firefighter insurance cover?
Volunteer firefighter and EMT policies can help pay for:
- Medical bills related to injuries sustained while volunteering as a first responder.
- Lost wages if you’re unable to work because of an injury sustained while volunteering;
- Property damage caused by firefighting efforts;
- Funeral expenses related to deaths resulting from fires or other emergencies where volunteers were involved in fighting the blaze.
Volunteer firefighters are heroes, but it’s important to know what your insurance will cover when you’re called out on duty. Volunteer firefighter insurance can help protect your assets in the event of a claim or bodily injury.

Hi, I am John Smit a Captain in Fire Department City of Newyork with over years of experience in the field of Firefighting and HSE. My passion for fire safety started when I was a young boy and witnessed a neighbor’s house go up in flames along with precious lives. Since then, I had dedicated my life to ensuring the safety of buildings, properties, and individuals in case of a fire and medical emergencies.