Air and Road Ambulance Service with Rescue 1122

Do We Really Need Air Ambulance Service?
The medical expenses per emergency and capital costs of this service are noticeably high. Pakistan is a developing nation and we as citizens of this are well aware of the economic status of our country. However, it doesn’t mean there is no need for an air ambulance service. The value of human life is much higher than the cost or expenditures of this service and is negligible in comparison. Let us have a brief look at the obvious advantages of this under-discussion service project.
Reducing Distance & Time
The basic health units failed to maintain their basic standards and most of them had been shut down. Whatever the reason for this failure may be, ultimately the services are beyond the approach of citizens. The beloved critically ill or injured people has no way to the rapid transport from the place having no or low-level facility to the required high-level facility. The scope of the Emergency Service Department (Rescue 1122) has now expanded to the Tehsil levels and shall be to the UC 9Union Council) level in the next phase. The response time now shall decrease but with the start of the air ambulance, this time shall remain negligible which shall benefit the poor and needy human souls. THe people living in the far long areas shall avail this facility where direct road access is not possible.
Reduce the traveling cost between specialty and Trauma centers
According to the research of Science Direct, Out of 978 patients, only 303 (30.9%) patients reached the emergency room (ER) within an hour. The mean time from injury occurrence to arrival in the ER was 4.7 hrs.
Most of the population live in far long rural or hilly areas which may have this time even more than this. So, dedicated service with professionals will help to save precious lives by providing better and on-time services.
Extending the Capacity
As our rural health centers and basic health units are experiencing failures that need an initiative. Therefore, the number of venerable areas are increasing and ambulances in this environment can change this ongoing trend of fatalities. The Air medical services can help as these are just like flying rooms with trained Rescuers.
Even more, these services can simply provide the required equipment and resources to rural hospitals, and incident sites, hence improving healthcare outcomes.
Extensive Coverage
The emergency services Rescue 1122 are now working in all provinces of Pakistan (In Sindh it is in Starting Phase). However, there are still blank spots where Rescue 1122 cannot swiftly respond due to poor infrastructure. The start of this service shall provide emergency care to the residents of these areas.
Do we have enough Road Ambulances?
Road ambulances are the routine ambulances that we normally see on our roads. Professional rescuers with advanced equipment drive these ambulances. Rescue 1122 is managing these resources for emergency movements and patient shifting from lover facility to higher upon the recommendation of health professionals. Currently, the condition and quantity of these ambulances are somehow not up to the mark. however, the Punjab government approves procuring these along with air ambulances. It is an appreciable step of the ruling government.
Per Emergency Cost?
The per emergency cost is the parameter usually used to check the feasibility. The cost of an Air ambulance is too high. The per emergency cost mean the expenditure a service provider shall bear for attending to one emergency. It is always reported in the form of an average figure. Read More

Hi, I am John Smit a Captain in Fire Department City of Newyork with over years of experience in the field of Firefighting and HSE. My passion for fire safety started when I was a young boy and witnessed a neighbor’s house go up in flames along with precious lives. Since then, I had dedicated my life to ensuring the safety of buildings, properties, and individuals in case of a fire and medical emergencies.