Angel Number 1122 and start of 911 in developing country

Emergency number 1122 commonly known as angel number 1122 in the world is an emergency helpline of the Punjab Emergency Service Department. The angel number is designated to seek help regarding any emergency i.e Medical, Fire, Building collapse, Flood emergency, etc. The Punjab Emergency Service Department (PESD) is also known as Rescue 1122. Rescue 1122 claims the average response time of 7 minutes in the largest province; Punjab.
Recently, the government of a developing country announced the International 911 as an emergency number to avoid any confusion among people who are in trouble. Most of the people didn’t know the exact number to seek required emergency service as many numbers are available. People try to have and dial, the non emergency number of departments, police non emergency number, and fire department non emergency number. As already said, several emergency numbers are operating in the country and confusing the callers.
The people who are looking; at 222 angel number meaning, 333 angel number, 555 angel number, 555 angel number meaning and purpose of angel number 1122, should now be relaxed. The callers who are already in an emergency cant afford this confusion. As Rescue 1122 is a National helpline and fewer people are aware of this emergency number. In the new setup, the caller will dial 911 and the concerned emergency department will receive and respond to the emergency.
Purpose to start 911
Now, the unified emergency helpline has just started in Pakistan to provide one-window access to all emergency services; Rescue 1122, Fire service 16, Covid-19 1166, Police 15, etc.
To avail all the said emergency there are different dialing numbers which create hurdles for the people who are in an emergency. The intended purpose is just to unify all the emergency numbers under the umbrella of a single International Emergency number. And this will also address the issues of international visitors in Pakistan.
Future of 1122
Rescue 1122 is a provincial Emergency Service that are providing various emergency services to the public of Pakistan. The performance of Rescue 1122 is up to the mark due to efficient and timely deliveries of all required services. The famous and well-known characteristic of this department is the Professional behavior of rescuers (Staff) and their professional skills.
Currently, to avail of any sort of emergency service caller has to dial 1122 from his phone. The system routed the call to the concerned district control room and then to the driver of the responding vehicle. Through this system call and the responding vehicle comes in direct contact with each other.
After the start of 911, the management of rescue 1122 is going to merge this 1122 dialing number with the international helpline 911. However, dialing 1122 will also remain accessible to the public. This may be later on merged in completely.
Issues may arise with launch of 911
The Punjab Emergency Service Department, well known as angel service or angel number 1122 has its reputation which the service achieved after a day and night struggle. The elimination of 1122 may hurt the sentiments of the public and employees of the Punjab Emergency Service Department. Furthermore, the general public avoids the procedural call system due to various commands during the call. Lastly, the public has almost no awareness of this newly introduced helpline 911 number.
Way forward.
Finally, the unification of all emergency numbers at a single door is an excellent step. And this line should operate in parallel to the existing emergency numbers in the respective control rooms of concerned departments. Moreover, the parallel campaigns on different platforms including social media for the general public with intention of awareness about the general procedure to avail any emergency is also the sire need of the present time.
Now, the public of Pakistan and especially Islamabad and Punjab should use 911 instead of angel number 1122. This shift shall ensure resource conservation by providing help in any sort of emergency.
Meanwhile, the decision to shut off the current helplines is still pending and newly introduced helpline setups have been established in each district control room of Rescue 1122 in Punjab.

Hi, I am John Smit a Captain in Fire Department City of Newyork with over years of experience in the field of Firefighting and HSE. My passion for fire safety started when I was a young boy and witnessed a neighbor’s house go up in flames along with precious lives. Since then, I had dedicated my life to ensuring the safety of buildings, properties, and individuals in case of a fire and medical emergencies.
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