What is IPCC? Report on Climate Change 2022 with Impacts of Adaptation and vulnerability

The answer to the question of what is IPCC is, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is a body of the United Nations with key responsibility to advance knowledge on human activities that are the cause of climate change. Recently UN-backed IPCC issued the sixth assessment report series. But, the incident invasion by Russia of Ukraine became the major hurdle in the projection of this significant report. The report is warning the whole world about major crises backed by Global Warming. Global Warming has severely damaged the planet and we as human beings have a very small window of time to avoid further damage. This 3500-page document highlighted the existing severe impacts like heat waves, storms, and extreme weather events. All impacts are backed by Global warming and cause decay or disappearing of animals and fisheries, on both land and sea. The Report is warning the human beings especially the residents of the countries having a high contribution to Global Warming.
We Are Breaching the Permissible Limits
Now, there is a greater risk than the normal risk value. Human activities have damaged the environment by causing the 1.50 C rise in temperature after pre to industrialization. The compounded effects on this world may inform of disappearing islands on this planet. The projected 1.10 C within the next two decades shall bring catastrophic events, even the already occurred damage is irreversible and the world is failed to reverse these effects.
According to the IPCC report, some plants and animals have already hit hard limits. Such as coral reefs that have died in marine heatwaves. People, who rely on glaciers and snowmelt for freshwater intake shall suffer critical shortages. Above 20 C rise many crops and animals failed to survive and shall result in food shortage and causes insecurity. The developing countries with little to no responsivity for climate change shall be helpless. As they will not receive the promised help from developed countries and even this is also happening now.
Human and Natural Society are in Trouble.
According to the IPCC report, 3-14% of the world’s species on land will vanish within two decades. A rise in Sea level draughts, disturbed, and Flairs of river water caused by droughts are the main causes of food insecurities. Especially for those people who are dependent on the seasonal flow of water, as this would be disturbed due to drought events.
Aside from public Health, those uncontrolled flows of water shall cause the spread of diseases, contaminate the water bodies, and spread the pathogens with the help of mosquitoes.
The decline in food production shall also cause malnutrition due to food insecurity. At the same time, these extreme weather events shall also cause, social and mental health issues due to stress.
We Are Running Out of Time.
The IPCC report urges people to be ready to live in a warm world. The Winter season is shrinking at a very high rate. Any further delay in taking suitable control measures shall shut the window of opportunity to secure this world.
The nations are now required to redesign their new and existing cities by projected severe consequences. Scientist claims that 14% of species shall not be able to survive on the planet Earth after an increase of 1.50 C temperature. The IPCC report urge to reduce greenhouse gases on a very urgent basis. The cuts or Control today are much more valuable than the same cuts in five or 10 years. There is need to stop emissions of greenhouse gases. The Technology advancement to reduce, replace or treat Green House gases is highly inevitable to rescue this planet.
Unless there are immediate, rapid, and large-scale reductions in Greenhouse gas emissions, limiting warming to close to 1.5 Celsius or even 2 Celsius will be beyond reach.
The IPCC report highlights that climate change is resulting in the following adverse effects
- Extinction of many land and sea species and their respective ecosystems
- Resources of Freshwater- Ponds, Lakes are drying at very large rate
- Reduces water and capacity of soil fertility causing food insecurity due to low production
- Uncontrolled floods are causing soil degradations and water logging
- Due to extreme weather events, wildfires are consuming trees of forest resulting further damage to the environment.
Now with this report, there is a pretty strong case to take proposed actions on priority basis without any further delay. Further delay may result severe results which countries shall not bear in the coming days.

Hi, I am John Smit a Captain in Fire Department City of Newyork with over years of experience in the field of Firefighting and HSE. My passion for fire safety started when I was a young boy and witnessed a neighbor’s house go up in flames along with precious lives. Since then, I had dedicated my life to ensuring the safety of buildings, properties, and individuals in case of a fire and medical emergencies.