What is the average firefighter pay by State?

Average Firefighter salary by State in the United States
The average firefighter pay is $55,000 per year. That’s according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which found that more than 491,000 firefighters were working in America in 2017. While there are some small differences between states (for example, Alaska pays its firefighters less than most other states), on average, firefighters make about $38 an hour when reporting for duty.
In Alabama, the average firefighter pay is $41 per hour. The median hourly rate for firefighters in Alabama is $24.33 and the median annual salary for these professionals is $78,550.
The average firefighter’s salary in Alaska is $37,300. Firefighters working in Anchorage earn an average of $38.90 per hour, while those working in Fairbanks make $39 an hour, and those in Juneau make $40.
Arizona is a right-to-work state, which means that firefighters do not have to join an employer’s union. This makes it easier for employers to hire and retain good employees. The average firefighter salary in Arizona is $49,200 per year.
Arizona has also been named one of America’s Top States for Firefighter Jobs by Energetics Incorporated. This ranking indicates how welcoming to new residents or businesses the state is: “It has experienced low unemployment rates over time as well as high economic growth rates.”
The average firefighter salary in Arkansas is $52,000. The median hourly wage is $26.67 and the average annual wage is $27,200.
California is home to some of the highest-paying fire departments in the nation. The average firefighter salary in California sits at $72,000 per year, which is about 30 percent higher than that of a typical firefighter pay rate in other states.
Why does this happen? Well, there are several factors at play here:
- The cost of living in California makes it more expensive for companies to hire new employees and keep them onboard when they’re already on their payroll so they can be paid appropriately.
- some laws require firefighters who work for multiple organizations across different agencies (e.g., multiple municipalities) must be paid fairly across all these entities.
The average firefighter salary in Colorado is $45,000.
In Colorado Springs and Aurora, the median annual wage for first responders working as firefighters or police officers is $39,000; this number drops to about $34,000 when you include other types of emergency response workers (ambulance drivers and paramedics). In Fort Collins, the median annual wage for first responders working as firefighters or police officers is even lower at around $32K per year—though it’s important to note that these figures only represent those who work full-time jobs at these agencies; many others are part-time employees who may earn much less than that figure on an hourly basis!
Connecticut is home to some of the best firefighters in the country. According to the Tippecanoe County Sheriff’s Office, the average salary for firefighters in this state is $69,000 per year.
The Hartford Fire Department is one of the largest fire departments in New England and has more than 1,000 active members on staff at any given time. Their pay scale starts at around $46-$52K annually depending on position and experience level; however, this does not take into account overtime or other additional benefits such as health insurance or retirement plans
Delaware is the second smallest state in the U.S., with an estimated population of just over 930,000 people. It’s known as the Blue Hen State because of its blue and white flag—and it has more than 100,000 veterans living there today!
The median firefighter salary in Delaware is $46K per year (according to EMS Data). That’s about $1K less than average for all states but still above average for firefighters working in other fields like medicine or law enforcement (which makes sense since most firefighters are not certified EMTs).
Florida is the most populous state in the US and has a high number of firefighters per capita. The average firefighter salary in Florida is $50,000.
Florida has more than twice as many seasonal firefighters than any other state, according to USA Today. In fact, over half of all firefighters nationwide are employed by private fire departments or corporations that contract with local governments to provide services like emergency medical assistance and search-and-rescue operations during disasters or emergencies like hurricanes or tornadoes (which often result in large-scale evacuations).
The average firefighter salary in Georgia is $47,000.
The average firefighter salary in Hawaii is $51,000 per year. This amount is higher than the national average of $41,000 and lower than California’s $72,500.
The median income for firefighters in Hawaii is also higher than the national median ($42,000) and lower than California’s ($48).
Idaho firefighters earn an average salary of $42,000. The median wage for firefighters in Idaho is about $29,000.
Illinois is the fifth most populous state in the United States and home to around 12.1 million people. The state has a total area of 19,864 square miles (52,147 square kilometers), making it slightly smaller than Texas at approximately 55% larger than its southern neighbor’s landmass.
Illinois ranks thirteenth out of all fifty states in terms of median household income at $56,800 per year, according to 2015 data from the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (ACS). Firefighters earn an average annual salary of $59,000 per year while those working as police officers earn an average annual salary of $62k annually
Indiana has a median annual firefighter salary of $49,919. The national average is $41,160.
In Indiana, the highest-paying city for firefighters is Evansville with an average salary of $63,934 per year. The lowest-paying city is Lawrenceburg with an average annual salary of $48,116 per year
Firefighter salary: $53,240
Iowa firefighter salaries in Iowa can be found at the following locations: City of Ames (IA), City of Carroll (IA), City of Des Moines (IA), City of Iowa City (IA), Polk County Fire District No. 1 Fire Department/Lake Mills Township Office Building 1500 East Washington Street Lake Mills IA 51551 Polk County Fairgrounds 700 North Main Street Dubuque IA 52001
Kansas is the third best-off state for firefighters, where the average firefighter salary is $54,000 per year. That’s a little more than double what you’d make in California and Arizona but still lower than New York (which came out on top) or Alaska ($63,000).
The average firefighter salary in Kentucky is $37,000. This is a little lower than the national median of $42,000.
In Louisiana, firefighters make an average salary of $51,400. The lowest-paid firefighters earned $41,000 and the highest-paid ones made $74,000 per year.
Salary ranges for Louisiana include:
- Entry level ($41k-$50k)
- Experienced Level A ($50k-$59k)
- Experienced Level B ($59k-$69k)
To become a firefighter in Louisiana you must have at least three years of education or its equivalent (a four-year degree is preferred). You should also pass written exams that test your knowledge of firefighting equipment and procedures;
- Physical fitness tests.
- Personality assessments.
- Drug screening tests for marijuana use.
- Background checks
Through law enforcement agencies such as the FBI or ATF (federal bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms); psychological evaluations by medical professionals if required by your department’s policies. And finally passing an oral interview before being hired into any position within which there may be hazardous duty requirements (e.g., wearing protective gear while fighting fires).
Maine is the most expensive state for firefighters. The average salary for a firefighter in Maine is $53,000 per year, which makes it more than double the national average of $23,757.
Firefighters in Oregon and Washington make on average $59,000 and $69,000 per year respectively. This reflects their higher cost of living compared with other states (which tend to be lower).
The average firefighter salary in Maryland is $61,000 per year. This compares to the national average of $46,290 and other states such as Virginia ($51,000), New Jersey ($59,600), and Florida ($55,000).
Massachusetts is known for its large metro areas, so it’s no surprise that the state has some of the highest salaries in the country. The average firefighter salary in Massachusetts was $98,704 as of 2018, which translates to an hourly wage of $46.69 per hour—and this doesn’t even include benefits!
If you’re wondering how much money you could make as a fireman in your area (or if there’s even one),
consider these numbers:
- Boston firefighters earn about $117k annually on average;
The average firefighter pay in Michigan is $52,000.
- Â in Detroit is $55,000.
- in Kalamazoo is $56,000.
The average firefighter pay in Lansing is $57,000 and it’s not much different than in Grand Rapids at around $59,000. Flint brings up the rear with annual pay of only about $50K on average for their firefighters. Not a very healthy economy for them!
If you’re a firefighter, the state with the highest average salary is Minnesota. If you work as a firefighter in Minnesota and make $58,000 per year (the median), your annual salary will be equal to that of an employee at Mcdonald’s or Walmart.
By contrast, New York City has over 20 times more people than Minneapolis does—and yet its firefighters earn just about as much as their counterparts in Minnesota: $58K per year on average!
In Mississippi, the average firefighter pay is $48,000.
New York is the highest-paying state for firefighters with an average salary of $92,000 per year.
Missouri has the lowest average firefighter pay in the country and the second-lowest overall. The state’s average annual pay for firefighters is $51,000. That’s higher than Ohio’s and New York’s but considerably lower than California’s ($72,800) or Texas’s ($58,000).
The average firefighter salary by state in the United States is $70,000. This figure does not include overtime pay, which can be added to this amount depending on how often you work and where.

Hi, I am John Smit a Captain in Fire Department City of Newyork with over years of experience in the field of Firefighting and HSE. My passion for fire safety started when I was a young boy and witnessed a neighbor’s house go up in flames along with precious lives. Since then, I had dedicated my life to ensuring the safety of buildings, properties, and individuals in case of a fire and medical emergencies.