What is the Fire Triangle?

Fire Triangle
A fire needs three things to sustain it: fuel, heat, and oxygen. These three factors are called the fire triangle.
The Carbon Dioxide (CO2) produced by combustion is one of the leading products of the fire triangle. Many firefighters use this principle to extinguish fires by removing one of the elements from the triangle, creating a break in the chain.
The best way to reduce a fire’s potential is by removing at least two out of three parts from the triangle. If a fire cannot be put out using this method, its intensity will increase or spread too fast, and having to be extinguished with water or foam may become necessary.
The Fuel of the Fire Triangle
The fuel of the fire triangle is a series of three elements – heat, energy, and oxygen. All three parts need to be present for a fire to burn.
Furthermore, A fire needs a continuous air supply, typically from low-level winds blowing over the ground. As the breeze rises upwards from the base, it creates turbulence, which creates eddies and pockets of swirling air that help sustain the flames by providing fresh oxygen for combustion.
The heating element is provided by external sources such as lightning, hot coals, or embers blown into contact with fuel before the wind blows on again. When all three elements are combined, they create an environment where sustained combustion and fire can spread quickly. Knowing that you have to have all three aspects in order is essential.
The Heat of the Fire Triangle
The heat of a fire triangle is the amount of heat energy needed to sustain a fire. The three components of the triangle are fuel, oxygen, and heat. However, If any of these three components are removed, the fire will die down or go out.
For a fire to start, all three components must be present. When you want to create a campfire, for example, you need to have some fuel like dry wood or paper, oxygen from the air, and enough heat from either a lighter or matches.
What is Oxygen & What Role Does it Play in the fire?
Oxygen is one of the essential elements in the world because there would be no life on Earth without it. Oxygen is the third element in the fire triangle. It is a gas that is required for combustion to occur. Without it, there can be no fire.
The third element of the fire triangle is oxygen. Finally, Oxygen provides the fuel that allows fires to burn and release heat and light.

Hi, I am John Smit a Captain in Fire Department City of Newyork with over years of experience in the field of Firefighting and HSE. My passion for fire safety started when I was a young boy and witnessed a neighbor’s house go up in flames along with precious lives. Since then, I had dedicated my life to ensuring the safety of buildings, properties, and individuals in case of a fire and medical emergencies.