World Environment Day 5 June 2022

World Environment Day (WED) is to alarm us about our mother planet-Earth. According to the reports, about 7,000,000 people die every year due to the causes related to air pollution in the Asian Pacific region. This is really an alarming figure for all the residents of this Earth. On this day- June 5, we motivate the world population and try to bring them on the commitment to preserve our motherland- Earth. So, this world environment day is more than an ordinary natural environment day in fact this provides a platform for world populations.
The developed and emerging powerful country- China, owned 99% of the World’s electric buses and 50% of the world’s electric cars. The developing and under developing countries should follow and practice these forwarding steps. Biofuels are causing a serious threat to the Earth due to global warming.
Earth is going on a ventilator!
Earth is going to face a triple planetary emergency as; firstly, rapidly heating up climate temperature for public and other natural species. Secondary, rapidly growing population is causing air, water, and land pollution. Thirdly, 1 M species threatened with extinction.
The natural environment and built environment are not synchronized with the basic principle of sustainability. The human environment interaction is not environment friendly. The people on social media and academic platforms are becoming the part of campaign- Only One Earth, on this world environment day.
The good news is we have solutions and technologies which are affordable as well. So, this day is actually a call for action on global scale to celebrate, protect and restore this mother planet.
What is world environment Day?
Since 1973, 5 June was declared world environment day by UNEP and is the largest global platform for the environmental community. This year Sweden is the host of this annual function. In 1974, the first conference under the slogan of only one Earth was held and now in practice.
The window is almost started to close to prevent drastic environmental changes. To control and cut increasing global temperature below 1.5oC in this century, must cut 50% emissions of GHG by 2030. Without real actions by each state this goal will remain unattainable. So, we need urgent action under the slogan of ‘Only one Earth” . The actions, not only for us but also for the upcoming generation.
Right to a Healthy Environment
The public and Environmental community is celebrating World Environment Day. By considering the Healthy Environment as a human right in view of the Stockholm declaration. The climate change impacts, Air, water, and land pollution, and loss of biodiversity are all negative impacts. This is the right time to commit real actions to protect the basic right of upcoming generations.
Let us Plant more and more trees!

Hi, I am John Smit a Captain in Fire Department City of Newyork with over years of experience in the field of Firefighting and HSE. My passion for fire safety started when I was a young boy and witnessed a neighbor’s house go up in flames along with precious lives. Since then, I had dedicated my life to ensuring the safety of buildings, properties, and individuals in case of a fire and medical emergencies.